Welcome to the Bay Area Equity Atlas, a comprehensive data support system to track the state of equity across the region and inform solutions for inclusive prosperity.
Our Work
The Latest
The Bay Area’s housing crisis has reached a critical juncture, fueled by decades of underinvestment in affordable housing. Our latest analysis delves into this pressing issue, highlighting the stark imbalance between the demand for affordable housing and the actual production of affordable homes throughout the region.
Support for Equity Campaigns
Testifying in support of just cause eviction protections before city council. Talking with your neighbors about the need for transit investment. Building a coalition to address the jobs-housing imbalance in the region. Community leaders from San Jose to Concord are using Bay Area Equity Atlas data to power their campaigns.
In Their Own Words...
“ [People] deserve to have a roof over their head. I think it would give more morale and more hope and faith in what's going on in their lives. I was one of the lucky ones that got housed real quick.”
Stephanie Baughman has been a regular at City Hope SF, a nonprofit in San Francisco’s Tenderloin, since 2018. When she first arrived in the city, she stayed at a nearby shelter and found solace at City Hope Cafe, where free meals and a supportive community provided a “breath of fresh air.” Now, in her own apartment after years of unstable housing, Stephanie appreciates the dignity City Hope offers to people facing addiction, homelessness, and social isolation. The organization serves residents “on the margins” and collaborates with local partners to connect them with essential resources. Learn more.
Photo: Felix Uribe