Bay Area Equity Atlas indicators track how the region’s demographics are changing and how we are doing on key measures of inclusive prosperity across the People, Place, and Power equity framework. Our indicators track change over time, are comparable across geographies, and are disaggregated by race and other demographics as much as possible.
Expanding access to opportunity and removing systemic barriers so all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential.
The Bay Area's population is one of the most diverse in the nation, and is the lynchpin of our cultural and economic vitality. But structural racism and systemic inequities prevent communities of color and Native Americans from accessing the resources and opportunities they need to thrive, while the displacement crisis threatens our diversity. To achieve inclusive prosperity in the Bay Area, we must ensure that all residents across all neighborhoods can access a high-quality education and good jobs that lead to rising standards of living and economic mobility, and that they can live in safe, healthy communities.
People indicators examine our shifting demographics and track how localities are doing to ensure that youth are prepared for college and the workforce, that adults can access quality jobs and rising incomes, and that communities are free from police violence.
Ensuring all neighborhoods are places where all residents can stay and thrive.
Decades of research underscores the impact of your neighborhood on your health, well-being, and economic success. In addition to providing spaces of culture and connection, the neighborhood you live in shapes your access to good schools, public transportation, parks, grocery stores, and other necessities. As housing costs have skyrocketed in the Bay Area, working-class residents have been pushed out of core “neighborhoods of opportunity” and into neighborhoods at the edge of the region that lack many of the necessary ingredients for health and economic mobility. To achieve inclusive prosperity in the Bay Area, we must ensure that all neighborhoods are places where residents can stay and thrive.
Place indicators track how the region is doing to foster equitable entrepreneurial environments, limit excessive commutes, expand affordable housing, increase neighborhood opportunity, and reduce the risk of gentrification and displacement.
Building the voice, leadership, and power of the people most impacted by inequity.
The most effective movements for social change are led by the people who are most directly impacted by injustice and inequity and can bring their experience, knowledge, and stories into the advocacy process. For inclusive prosperity to become our reality in the Bay Area, low-income communities of color and youth need to have a strong political voices and be able to shape the decisions that affect their lives and their communities. For this to happen we need to foster and sustain grassroots, community, and political leadership and organizations that reflect the diversity of the Bay Area.
Power indicators track how well elected officials reflect the diversity of communities, the level of political participation across the region, and the potential economic gains of eliminating rent burdens and achieving racial equity in income.