Experiencing homelessness: Every Bay Area resident should have a safe, affordable place to live — and everyone experiencing homelessness should have access to comprehensive rehousing support.
Insights & Analyses
- Though Black residents constitute 6 percent of the nine-county Bay Area population overall, about 25 percent of all unhoused residents are Black. This disproportionality remains true for all counties in the Bay Area.
- Among all unhoused residents in the nine-county Bay Area region, Asian American residents and Pacific Islander residents have the lowest shelter rates.
- Unhoused residents who identify as transgender and unhoused residents who identify as non-binary or other have lower shelter rates compared to those who identify as male and those who identify as female.
- From 2019 to 2022, the rate of homelessness for Pacific Islander residents rose from 125 per 10,000 residents to 176 per 10,000 residents. During the same period, the rate of homelessness for Native American residents declined from 255 per 10,000 residents to 178 per 10,000 residents.
Drivers of Inequity
While the Bay Area has witnessed a surge in extreme wealth with the tech boom, the region also has seen a growing crisis in extreme poverty and a spike in its unhoused population. Regional income inequality has worsened over the past 40 years, as inflation-adjusted wages have declined for the bottom 40 percent of wage earners since 1980. The region-wide housing crisis also has led to rapid increases in rent in recent decades, creating a continual need for additional affordable housing. Preexisting homeless prevention and care systems have faced increasing capacity challenges with a growing unhoused population. For many, homelessness is an understandably distressing and traumatizing experience, which compounds mental and physical health crises, substance addictions, and other complex care needs among unhoused people and increases the likelihood that people will be incarcerated. A holistic approach to homelessness must address root economic causes while also supporting the existing population of people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.
Strengthen places: Strategies to ensure affordable housing is available to all
- Increase region-wide production of affordable housing, such as by leveraging Low-Income Household Tax Credits.
Increase access to affordable housing for extremely low-income households by expanding funding for, and use of, rental subsidies and Housing Choice Vouchers.
Ensure strong tenant protections to prevent displacement, such as just cause eviction ordinances, anti-harassment policies, low-cost legal assistance, and rent control.
Coordinate and strengthen homelessness prevention service systems across community-facing institutions (e.g., social service agencies, schools, healthcare clinics, and libraries) and carceral facilities (e.g., jails and probation centers).
Implement land-use policies at the state and local level that facilitate the approval and development of new homeless shelters, safe car camping parks, and other programs to reduce the unsheltered population.
Improve multilingual, trauma-informed, and non-punitive homelessness outreach services, with wraparound connections to physical and behavioral health supports for people with complex care needs.
- Expand funding for local and regional continuum of care systems — from emergency shelters to rapid re-housing to permanent supportive housing — to ensure fewer people return to homelessness after receiving support.
Strategy in Action
San Mateo County's Navigation Center provides a stepping stone for people experiencing homelessness. In 2023, San Mateo County opened the Navigation Center, a 240-bed homeless shelter and wraparound service center in Redwood City. Funded by $55 million in state-sponsored Homekey grants and $5 million from philanthropist John Sobrato, the Navigation Center offers temporary housing for people experiencing homelessness alongside recreational facilities and comprehensive supportive services, such as health and dental care, trauma counseling, and substance use treatment. Couples can room together and clients can bring their dogs. Operated by the local nonprofit LifeMoves, the Navigation Center reflects San Mateo County’s “housing first” approach to homelessness, or the strategy of placing people into housing before addressing the complex host of care needs that can contribute to their being unhoused. The county’s goal is to achieve “functional zero” for its unhoused population — that is, the county can provide housing and shelter care for every resident who wants it. Learn more.
Photo: County of San Mateo

In Their Own Words...
“ [People] deserve to have a roof over their head. I think it would give more morale and more hope and faith in what's going on in their lives. I was one of the lucky ones that got housed real quick.”
Stephanie Baughman has been a regular at City Hope SF, a nonprofit in San Francisco’s Tenderloin, since 2018. When she first arrived in the city, she stayed at a nearby shelter and found solace at City Hope Cafe, where free meals and a supportive community provided a “breath of fresh air.” Now, in her own apartment after years of unstable housing, Stephanie appreciates the dignity City Hope offers to people facing addiction, homelessness, and social isolation. The organization serves residents “on the margins” and collaborates with local partners to connect them with essential resources. Learn more.
Photo: Felix Uribe