Social Media Toolkit

Sample Tweets

Dynamic campaigns need great data! Check out — a powerful, easy-to-access resource for the latest data on economic equity in the Bay Area. #BayAreaEquityAtlas

Working in the Bay Area? Need data and analyses to inform your advocacy efforts? Check out this great new resource by @PolicyLink @TSFF & @PERE_US #equitymatters a comprehensive data tool to track the state of equity across the region. Use it to build community power and voice. #BayAreaEquityAtlas @PolicyLink @TSFF & @PERE_USC a comprehensive data tool to track the state of equity across the region. Use it to expand opportunity so all can thrive. #BayAreaEquityAtlas @PolicyLink @TSFF & @PERE_USC a comprehensive data tool to track the state of equity across the region.  Use it to ensure all can live in healthy, connected communities. #BayAreaEquityAtlas @PolicyLink @TSFF & @PERE_USC

The recently launched #BayAreaEquityAtlas democratizes data and makes the facts accessible and actionable to everyone. Ready to dig in? Check its five essential features to help you explore.

Sample Facebook Posts

PolicyLink, PERE, and the San Francisco Foundation have just released Bay Area Equity Atlas, http://www.bayareaequityatlas, that provides a set of powerful equity metrics, disaggregated by race and other demographics to make inform decision making -- across a People, Place, Power framework.

PolicyLink, PERE, and the San Francisco Foundation have just released Bay Area Equity Atlas, http://www.bayareaequityatlas, that provides a set of powerful equity metrics, disaggregated by race and other demographics to increase the capacity of change-makers and advocates to use data to advance policy solutions.


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